Find a Kinesiologist

To contact a Kinesiologist in your area please click on the Health Locator logo below to be taken to the Health Locator directory where you will be able to search and browse licensed kinesiologists in your area and contact them directly to arrange an appointment.

OKA uses Health Locator as the preferred public search directory for our members. Although the OKA encourages all members to create a listing on Health Locator listings are voluntary so all OKA members may not be included in the search results.


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The Ontario Kinesiology Association (OKA) provides this link to a third party website as a service only. OKA does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on the health locator website and disclaims any express or implied warranty, condition, or representation about the accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness of the information on the website.  Any complaints regarding information provided by kinesiologists listed on Health Locator should be addressed to the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario who are the regulatory licensing body in Ontario (

The Health Locator disclaimer is available here.

The Health Locator Privacy Policy is available here.